Clubs and Activities

Clubs meet on Tuesdays or Thursdays after school. In order for a student to stay for a club meeting or activity, the student must have a note by a parent stating which club the student will be staying for after school. A student must have a note each day he/she plans to attend.

All clubs begin at approximately 3:15 pm and end at 4:30 pm. Students are to report directly to the meeting room when they are dismissed and remain with the club sponsor at all times.

Students will be dismissed at 4:30 pm and may either ride the activity bus home or be picked up by a parent. Students who are not picked up at the appropriate time will not be allowed to participate in after-school activities for the remainder of the semesterl

For safety reasons, students who remain after school must be supervised at all times. Students who are found out of their designated area without supervision or who fail to follow the rules of the club sponsor will lose the right to participate in any after school activity for the remainder of the semester.

If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Fortunato at (757) 591-4900.

Club/Activity Sponsor(s) Where/When Description
21st Century "Cougar Scholars" Ms. Jones Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday until 5:30pm Students are invited to join based on academic need and school recommendation.This club provides students with academic support and encouragement in mathematics, language arts and writing using a combination of tutoring, small group instruction, interactive technologies, recreational activities, mentoring and field trips.
Archery Coach Kidd Gym/Football Field
Tuesdays and Thursdays 1st Intramural Season
This club will meet to learn the skill of archery and practice components of the game.
Chess Culb Interscholastic Mr. Swan Room 806, Thursdays Members of this club will learn about the game of chess and participate in chess matches.
Chorus Ms. Harmon Room 101, As announced Members of chorus will rehearse for upcoming performances.
CNU Math Tutors Workshop Mr. Keane Library
Tuesday and Thursday
Tuesday - Math 8, Algebra, Geometry
Thursday - Math 6, Math 7
Selected students partner with CNU Math Tutors to work on their math skills as well as learn more about the college experience
FCCLA Ms. King Room 302
Every other Tuesday
This club emphasizes consumer education, homemaking, and family life. This club is only for students who are taking a Living Skills class.
Interscholastic Athletics Fall, Track: Coach Phillips
Winter, Volleyball: Coach Baker
Spring, Basketball: Coach Nicholson
All students in good standing may try out for an athletic team. Each sport will have both boys and girls teams. Practice and games are held on Mondays and Wednesdays after school. Transportation from practice and to and from games is provided.
Intramurals Coach Kidd, Coach Nicholson, and Coach Lane Gym and Fields
Fall, Winter, Spring Sessions
Students have the opportunity to participate in team sports after school. Three sessions will focus on different team sports. More information about dates, times, and activities will go home through PE classes.
National Junior Honor Society Pending Room 804, As announced Members of this organization are selected each year. Members will perform community service projects, and participate in other various school activities.
Odyssey of the Mind Pending Various Rooms, Tuesday This is a club for highly creative students to perform problem solving activities. There is a competition at the local, state, and national level. 
Principal's Advisory Committee Mrs. Smith Various Rooms, Monthly The Principal's Advisory Committee is a cross section of the student population that meets monthly with Ms Barnett to discuss ideas and concerns of the CMS students. The PAC also selects a yearly community service project, such as the CMS Cafeteria beautification project and 'Jeans for Teens' campaign to provide clothing for needy teens
Robotics Mr. Banks Room 300, Tuesdays Students create robots that do what they want! Members of this club will compete in robotics competitions throughout the year.
SCA Ms. Rookwood, Ms. Staton Room 828, Thursday and every other Tuesday SCA is the Crittenden Middle School Student Government. Students elect officers and homeroom representatives.
Student Ambassadors Mrs. Vanderhall As needed Selected students serve as Cougar Ambassadors, serving to guide guests through the school or act as hosts
Yearbook Mrs. Faison-Hopson Room 625, Thursday Selected students meet to take pictures and prepare the school yearbook for publication.